Monday 2 March 2015

Lake Tepako to Christchurch

Pleasant drive from Lake Tepako to the east coast. Took what they call the scenic route and I think I'm becoming complacent because there were a number of pictures I would have taken previously but didn't  on this occasion. Remiss of me because the blog is a record for me as well as keeping you informed. So I've given myself a good talking to for next time! The route took in the Winterslow Range - Mount Somers was particularly impressive - as well as the Rockwood and Lady Barker ranges. I did stop and take a picture at the Ramada Gorge however which is attached! It was evident some way before Christchurch that there were still issues just looking at the state of the roads and the number of makeshift repairs that had been carried out and the number of reduced speed limits.The route to the campsite took me towards the centre of the city and then it became very clear just how much work still has to be done.

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