Thursday 26 March 2015

Leaving the North Island

Stayed in a backpacker that did a free breakfast last night. Didn't expect too much although it was a nice place. Got up this morning to a host of cereals, and freshly baked bread and scones!! Eat as much as you like! Skipped the cereal and tucked straight into the bread and scones with butter and jam. I was stuffed!! Nearly stayed another night just to have another go!! Anyway, left Picton for Wellington as planned and thought that having been  through Queen Charlotte Sound once already it would lose a little of its wow factor. Not a bit. So I just kept snapping away again!  Left Wellington as soon as the ferry docked and I'm holed up in a place called Masterton just off state highway 2 on my way to Napier in Hawkes Bay on the east coast. When I come to NZ again remind me to drive straight through! Looking forward to spending the rest of the trip on the coast although I'm  sure I'll find a mountain or two on the way!! Might not make it all the way to Napier tomorrow but you never know.
Pictures attached are of Picton harbour. Pretty little place!
Take care,
Glen x

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