Friday 27 March 2015

Hawkes Bay/Napier

Made it to Napier yesterday, only stopping once at Hastings for a nose around. Very pretty town centre but hard to capture a decent picture. Had a wander round Napier centre and harbour today before heading up to Cape Kidnappers. Stopped on the way for a wine tasting at Elephant Hill Winery. Their wines are available in the UK but only from a restricted number of specialist wine shops. Don't know what I was doing drinking the stuff really! Limited myself to three whites and three reds cos I was driving. All really good. Then got as close to the Cape as I could which unfortumately wasn't very close because the tide was in, and even when it's out you can you can only go by tractor! Treated myself to lunch out and then another wine tasting at Clearview Estate. Not available in the UK. Again three whites and three reds and all excellent. Then it was time to expose myself to the sun for an hour for a sleep! Just got my chair and footstool out on the beach and went for it. Wonderful! Beautiful sunshine, a cooling breeze and the waves crashing in!  Woke up, dusted myself down and headed for North Havelock. Inland and southeast of Hastings and very definitely for those on higher salaries! It was OK!  By the time I got back to Napier it was day over. Will head out tomorrow, and see how far I get towards Gisborne on the 'Pacific Coast Highway'.
Couple of pics of the coastline around Napier attached.
Speak soon,
Glen x

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