Wednesday 18 March 2015

Mount Fyffe

Another day of weather influenced by the cyclone. No boats sailing and no planes flying again. Cold and windy but not quite on the same scale as yesterday. Also, the cloud base was also a bit higher which meant that the mountain tops were fairly clear, so I decided to tackle  Mount Fyffe. It's just over 1600 metres and as I was walking from sea level it was set to be a good hike. As I got higher the windier and colder it got and by the time I was around 1200 metres or so ice was forming on the vegetetion and thickening the higher I climbed and the wind chill took the temperature well below freezing. Needless to say I didn't spend too long at the top! Just sufficient to take a couple of pictures and then I got down quick! Can't remember the last time I experienced conditions like that!
Another day of the same tomorrow according to the forecast and then temperatures beginbto pick up. Whether I will still be here then remains to be seen!
Some pictures attached. The first of a Xmas tree!! The second taken by a German guy I met on the way down. Another idiot!!
Glen x

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