Thursday 5 March 2015

Walk Abandoned!

What a difference a day makes! Yesterday cracking the flags. Too hot to do anything other than wander around Akoroa, eat ice cream and swim. Today gale force winds and torrential rain. Nonetheless I decided to go ahead with my walk as the weather forecast said it would clear late morning. The walk involved a climb to a particular peak and then a lengthy ridge walk taking in a number if other peaks along the way before the descent. Not too high. Nothing over 900 metres. It was a difficult walk up simply because of the wind and the rain. Had to wear my coat hood over my hat not only to stop my hat blowing away but to protect my face from the stinging rain. And you know how it is! The higher you got the worse the conditions! Anyway made it to within 50 metres of the initial peak by which stage I couldn't see past the end of my nose and I had to fight the wind to stay upright! The peak overlooks some crags and in the circumstances decided to give them a miss. By  this time I was also getting cold and wet despite having decent quality gear, and no sign whatsoever of a break in the weather. Decided to begin the ridge walk in the hope that there might a break but half an hour on still no sign at all and I was starting to get seriously cold. No option really but to come down as quickly as possible. Yes, and half way down the promised weather began to materialize and I'm looking back at clear peaks bathed in sunshine! No chance of turning back as I was still soaked through and cold. Hey ho! No pics. Couldn't  see anything! Don't  feel I'm under pressure for time to complete my itinerary at the moment so may have another go tomorrow depending on the weather!
Then it will be Arthurs Pass to the west coast again stopping off at Arthurs Pass itself for a couple of days walking before hitting the west coast proper again.
Take care,
Glen x

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