Monday 16 March 2015

Hanmer Springs

Found a great little place to stay just  outside town. A little log cabins with a peach tree right outside the door and pear, plums and lemons trees a few yards away. All pick and eat as much as you want! 20 pounds a night! Luxury! Had a chill day yesterday only leaving the sight to have a look/see round the town itself. Nice enough but I'm not really into paying for a bath! Bought the biggest fruit scone I have ever seen and ate it with lashings of butter and jam and a cuppa! Thought I had better walk it off today so climbed Mount Isabel. Only about 1400 metres but great views of the Hanmer Plain / Basin and surrounds.
Will drive to Kaikoura tomorrow for a day or two. Met a couple of people at the  top of Mount Isabel who have given me  a steer on a walk there, so look forward to that.
Couple of pics from the top of Mount Isabel attached.
Much love,
Glen x

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