Saturday 21 March 2015

Goodbye Kaikoura!

Well I said I might stay a while and I have. Six nights!! I do love it here! The problem is I still haven't done one of the main things I came here for which was to see some whales! The weather has been far more settled these last couple of days and it was beautiful yesterday. But for the first couple of days I was here the sea swell created by cyclone Pam prevented boats sailing and for the last couple of days it's been the debris  swept into the area by the fringes of the cyclone. Unfortunately no one is able to say when things will be up and running again so it's time to go. I've spent my time exploring up and down the coast from here and walking the bay again. And using the gym!! Went to a seal colony up the coast yesterday. Then came back and watched the local rugby game. I popped into the bar for  a beer after. Really friendly place. The game kicked off at 1 and I ended up leaving the bar at 10!! Serious hangover this morning! Moving up to Blenheim and maybe as far St Arnaud in the Nelson Lakes today, depending on time.
Some pictures from the last couple  of days attached.
Glen x

1 comment:

  1. Cant have been as nail biting as the England Rugby on Saturday?? Xx
