Saturday 28 February 2015

Lake Tekapo

Had a lie in and a late breakfast this morning and then sorted through my Mount Cook  photographs and got up to date with my blog. No wifi for a couple of days now so it didn't  really matter that I was running a bit behind. Went up Mount John pm where Christchurch University have an observatory. Didn't  want to do the tour. Just concerned with the views over Lake Tekapo and Lake Alexandra. Although the mountain was a something of a tiddler by comparison the views were actually really good. The  lakes are surrounded on three sides by mountains and Lake Tepako is again fed by glaciers. Not sure whether I will make Christchurch  tomorrow. Depends what I find  on the way. Some wifi hopefully! It will be interesting to see what Christchurch looks like. You'll recall that it was hit by major earthquakes both in 2010 and 2011 and virtually raised to the ground.
Couple of pics from the top of Mount John.
Speak soon,
Glen x

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