Friday 20 February 2015

The Catlins Continues

Fine till late morning but persisted down ever since. Still managed to get a couple of things done. Visited Cathedral Caves this morning while it was still dry. A nice bush/beach walk to a series of caves that have been carved out of the cliff face to a depth approaching 80 meters in the largest one. And at the end of the largest cave some penguins! Didn't  try to photograph them for fear of disturbing them. Like the Sea Lions another first in the wild for me. Also walked the bay which was quite beautiful. Moved on to McLean Falls. Again a short bush walk to the largest water fall in the Catlins. Very beautiful. Back early today for a change so some time to do some planning. Depending on the weather there's another water fall I want to visit and then the possibility of a half day river/valley walk. I need to check the walk out a bit more to see what the prizes are like! Whatever I do I will end up at Kaka Point for the night. From there I can get out to Nugget Point just before dusk where there is the possibility of seeing Yellow Eyed Penguins waddle out of the ocean!
Some pics from the day attached.
Glen x

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