Sunday 1 February 2015

Hokitika to Franz Joseph

Had a housework day yesterday but popped out later to a place called Sunset Point to see ...... and the cloud and things started off well but then the clouds interfered! But just sat there on my own till dark watching the sea and the surf and the clouds and contemplated life's bigger questions! Then went to a little dell just outside Hokitika to see some glow worms. Absolutely fascinating. A little miracle of nature. The dell was u shaped and it was like standing in the middle of a scene from a disney film;hundreds and hundreds of tiny little fairy lights! Incredibly beautiful. Got up this morning planning to drive up to Arthurs Pass and stay over for a couple of days to do some walking. The pass is one of two roads that join the east and west sides of the south island. Both involve climbs over mountain ranges, hence the walking bit. Then it started raining. Then the rain got worse. Then it got worse still until I have rarely seen rain like it! Anyways up, I changed plans and headed south to Franz Joseph,  with a view to returning to Arthurs Pass later in my trip. We've had a fair bit of rain the last couple of days with spells of sunshine in between. But its been muggy and the nights have been close too. And as I travelled south the south island got a lot more of what in needs at the moment! At times I just had to stop and pull off the road! And it kept going all day and is still going as I speak! The forecast is for a short respite tomorrow pm, and then for the rain to continue through to Saturday. The shame is that having reached Franz Joseph, of glacier fame, I can't see a bloody thing here either! Hopefully get a walk in and get a peak at the glacier tomorrow. Fingers crossed!  Otherwise the place is really disappointing. All everyone wants to do is sell me a scenic flight in a helicopter but even they haven't been flying today!  Stopping in a hostel tonight!
Glen x

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