Wednesday 18 February 2015

Back to the sea again!

Te Anau to Invercargill is part of the southern scenic route and by the  time I get to Dunedin I will have completed it, as it starts at Queenstown, and runs via Mossburn, Te Anau, Manapouri and Tuatapere, hitting the south coast at McCracken's Lookout, before continuing on to Riverton, Invercargill, Owaka, Balclutha and Dunedin.
Decided to pass on Doubtful Sound and head south as far as Invercargill where I will stay for a couple of nights. Having explored the possibilities for Stewart Island I have decided not to go. The reason is that I am not geared up to do anything other than day walks and to do a good job of the island I would have to be. I can take an aeroplane over it or a boat trip round it but I can't  get into it unless I walk it. Like the Kepler and Milford tracks and many others that are not on the great walks list, they are for another time and a different kind of experience. And I am confident  there will be another time. Anyway, I'm off to explore Invercargill and then I'll drive down to Bluff, which is claimed to be the southern most point of mainland NZ. It isn't actually but I'm  going anyway! I'll go to the point proper in a day or so as this adventure is a coastal one for some time now. This area is definitely the least hilly/mountainous I have come across in the country so far!
Speak soon,
Glen x

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