Monday 23 February 2015

Taiaroa Head

Went to the end of the Otago Peninsular today called Taiaroa Head. The highlight was undoubtedly the Royal Albatross Centre. Spent a good couple of hours there and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Saw maybe half a dozen Albatross on the wing but too far away to really appreciate them. Not windy enough to fly apparently.  Nonetheless another wildlife first so not to be scoffed at. Didn't realize they have been  known to travel up to  a 1000 kilometres a day foraging for food. The view to the lighthouse was also spectacular, there were seals a plenty and a wide variety of sea birds. Once again the real disappointment for me was how the place had been turned into a money making scheme. It really is one of my criticisms of NZ. Anyway I'll get off my high horse now.
Heading for Mount Cook tomorrow. May take a day or two depending on what I do on the way. Really looking forward to some good walks again.
Couple of pics as usual. One looking back into the harbour from the end of the peninsula and the other up to the lighthouse from a viewpoint at Taiaroa Head.
Glen x

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