Monday 16 February 2015

Milford Sound

Good day yesterday. Took on a 2 hour drive to Milford. Only 80 miles but after the first 40 very mountainous and extremely beautiful. Got into Milford and the Sandflies were lining up in the car park waiting for me! Seriously, you do have to cover up down there or life can be very uncomfortable. Took one of the very expensive boat trips on the sound but worth every penny. So, so lovely. But so, so busy. There is literally nothing there apart from boat jetties and places to pay to go on them!  And of course the start of the Milford Track. Now that is one walk I would definitely like to do if I had the kit.  Didn't see one shop and just a couple of places to stay overnight if need be. I decided to drive home again and did a walk called Key Summit on the way back. A steady walk compared to what I have been doing recently and  far too crowded for me really. It starts on the Routeburn Track. The good thing was that the majority of people thought they were at the top when they weren't! I don't know how. I suppose it was a little deceiving but in the end I had the summit to myself, with a few stragglers arriving as I was leaving. Quite a long day in the end but very rewarding.

Couple of pictures along the way to start.

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