Monday 30 March 2015

Wainui Beach

Mahia Beach and Poverty Bay

Amazing what sunshine does for a picture! The Mahia Peninsular is the northern most point of Hawke Bay.

Napier to Gisborne

Left a dull, overcast and rainy Napier as planned on Sunday expecting big things from the Pacific Highway. If I had studied the map a bit more closely however I would have noticed that very little of it actually rums along the coast! Unfortunately, the weather front followed me up but still a pleasant enough drive. Arrived in Gisborne late pm. Predominantly a farming and wine producing area. Also a craft brewery and a cidery in town!! Managed a good swim last night so I thought I'd take a rest day. Went up to Wainui Beach this morning. Reputedly the first beach on the planet to see the sun rise, but I wasn't  there that early! Then came back for a beer tasting at Sunshine Brewery. Very good. Also  learned there that the only real ale brewery in the country is in Auckland and only serves the city. Then went to the cidery. Not really my thing but I still enjoyed it. Had a snooze and a read for a while and then went for a wine tasting! Excellent! Day over!
Will leave for the East Cape tomorrow. Not sure about wifi for the next day or three so will post again when I can.
Couple of shots along the way attached.
Much love,
Glen x

Friday 27 March 2015

Couple from Napier Town Centre

Wine Tasting at Elephant Hill and Cape Kidnappers

You can actually see Cape Kidnappers in the background of the wine tasting venue!

Hawkes Bay/Napier

Made it to Napier yesterday, only stopping once at Hastings for a nose around. Very pretty town centre but hard to capture a decent picture. Had a wander round Napier centre and harbour today before heading up to Cape Kidnappers. Stopped on the way for a wine tasting at Elephant Hill Winery. Their wines are available in the UK but only from a restricted number of specialist wine shops. Don't know what I was doing drinking the stuff really! Limited myself to three whites and three reds cos I was driving. All really good. Then got as close to the Cape as I could which unfortumately wasn't very close because the tide was in, and even when it's out you can you can only go by tractor! Treated myself to lunch out and then another wine tasting at Clearview Estate. Not available in the UK. Again three whites and three reds and all excellent. Then it was time to expose myself to the sun for an hour for a sleep! Just got my chair and footstool out on the beach and went for it. Wonderful! Beautiful sunshine, a cooling breeze and the waves crashing in!  Woke up, dusted myself down and headed for North Havelock. Inland and southeast of Hastings and very definitely for those on higher salaries! It was OK!  By the time I got back to Napier it was day over. Will head out tomorrow, and see how far I get towards Gisborne on the 'Pacific Coast Highway'.
Couple of pics of the coastline around Napier attached.
Speak soon,
Glen x

Thursday 26 March 2015

Approaching Wellington

Wellington Harbour

Leaving Queen Charlotte Sound

The first picture is looking back at the entrance to the Queen  Charlotte Sound from the Cook Straight. The second is looking out of the entrance into the Cook  Straight.

More Queen Charlotte Sound

Queen Charlotte Sound

Leaving the North Island

Stayed in a backpacker that did a free breakfast last night. Didn't expect too much although it was a nice place. Got up this morning to a host of cereals, and freshly baked bread and scones!! Eat as much as you like! Skipped the cereal and tucked straight into the bread and scones with butter and jam. I was stuffed!! Nearly stayed another night just to have another go!! Anyway, left Picton for Wellington as planned and thought that having been  through Queen Charlotte Sound once already it would lose a little of its wow factor. Not a bit. So I just kept snapping away again!  Left Wellington as soon as the ferry docked and I'm holed up in a place called Masterton just off state highway 2 on my way to Napier in Hawkes Bay on the east coast. When I come to NZ again remind me to drive straight through! Looking forward to spending the rest of the trip on the coast although I'm  sure I'll find a mountain or two on the way!! Might not make it all the way to Napier tomorrow but you never know.
Pictures attached are of Picton harbour. Pretty little place!
Take care,
Glen x

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Last of Robert Ridge

More Robert Ridge

Some shots from Robert Ridge

Looking down on Lake Rotoiti and Lake Angelus

Nelson Lakes

Stayed overnight in Blenheim on Sunday. The idea was to go for another wine tasting session on Monday and move across to Nelson Lakes on Tuesday. Still felt a bit poorly on Monday from the Saturday session so passed on the wine tasting and drove to St Arnaud instead. Visited both of the Nelson Lakes on Monday afternoon. The area is also known for its tarns, although they continue to call them lakes over here.  Also wanted a good walk for Tuesday and found just the job. It was meant to be a minimum 2 days but the DOC office said it could be done as a day walk. About 28 kilometres with a total of 1700 metres of climb. So I thought I would give it a whirl. I have to say it was exhausting and I really know about it today. But it was also top drawer. I was a little concerned at first because the cloud base was a bit low but it turned out ok. There was an initial climb (of Mount Robert) and then a brilliant undulating ridge walk to Lake (tarn!) Angelus, then down by what they call the Speargrass Creek Route. Just on eight hours in total. Sat in the hostel lounge after supper with a gang of Kiwis and watched the semi final. I'm not a cricket fan but what a great game!
Moved to Picton today from where I will catch the ferry back to Wellington on the North Island. I'll then make my way up the east coast back to Auckland!
Couple of pictures of the ground level lakes attached-Rotoiti and Rotorua.
Much love,
Glen x

Saturday 21 March 2015

Last of Kaikoura

More Kaikoura Area

Goodbye Kaikoura!

Well I said I might stay a while and I have. Six nights!! I do love it here! The problem is I still haven't done one of the main things I came here for which was to see some whales! The weather has been far more settled these last couple of days and it was beautiful yesterday. But for the first couple of days I was here the sea swell created by cyclone Pam prevented boats sailing and for the last couple of days it's been the debris  swept into the area by the fringes of the cyclone. Unfortunately no one is able to say when things will be up and running again so it's time to go. I've spent my time exploring up and down the coast from here and walking the bay again. And using the gym!! Went to a seal colony up the coast yesterday. Then came back and watched the local rugby game. I popped into the bar for  a beer after. Really friendly place. The game kicked off at 1 and I ended up leaving the bar at 10!! Serious hangover this morning! Moving up to Blenheim and maybe as far St Arnaud in the Nelson Lakes today, depending on time.
Some pictures from the last couple  of days attached.
Glen x