Friday 2 January 2015

Where to start!

Starting with yesterday the first thing to mention is that I have bought a car. It's a banger but it's in reasonable order and I've got my fingers crossed that it will stay the distance. I've been thinking about it for a couple of weeks and I was talking to a couple on new years eve who were looking to sell one. It's a ford mondeo estate with all the ghia status trimmings. It also comes with a shedload of camping gear including an air bed that fits in the back when the seats are down. It will give me far greater freedom than I have at present. I'll be able to sleep in the back whenever I want. All I need is a little table and chairs and I'm away!  I'll take a picture when I set up for the first time and you can have a laugh!!

Anyway, having bought the car, I promtly drove to the start of a walk I wanted to do. It was in the Arua forest to the tupapaparua falls. What a gem. The bush walk and the falls were fabulous. Didn't see a soul. Just me and myself and the elements. Very special.

Another walk today to the tama lakes and another great walk. There are two tama lakes. Very few people around again and when I got to the sumit it was all mine. This really is wonderful walking territory.

There are two tama lakes. A lower and an upper. The first picture is at the lower lake looking across to mount Ruapehu. The second is of the upper lake.

Much love,

Glen x

1 comment:

  1. An old banger eh? Trust you to go for the Ghia model! Looks wonderful (I'll reserve comment on how the car looks until you post a photo!). Take care.
