Saturday 3 January 2015

A day in the mountains

Probably as good a day as I have had yesterday. Awesome environment! Hope the pics show something of it. Started at the beginning of the Tongariro Crossing and walked as far as Mount Ngauruhoe and climbed it. Not for the faint hearted and not the most enjoyable climb/descent. Very difficult to grip the surface-all very small volcanic scree- together with very steep angles.  Brilliant sunshine up to about 20 minutes from the top and then shrouded in low cloud. Got a couple of half shots. Continued to follow the crossing as far as the emerald lake, which probably took me about two thirds of the way over.Turned back at that stage to the Mount Tongariro summit track and climbed it. Far more enjoyable than Ngauruhoe. Came down and walked back to the start. Last 2 hours of the walk out were in torrential rain. I love walking in the rain and it changed the environment completely. So beautiful.  The walk out runs along side a river and within minutes the tributaries and the river were overflowing. Just been out to hang my washing! Another lovely day here.
Planned my next few days this morning. Going over to the west coast from here. Will pick up the coast road just  south of Mokau in the north Taranaki bay and over the course of the next week or so follow it to Wellington.
Anyway,  couple of pics attached. One of yours truly at the top of Ngauruhoe. The other looking out towards the Emerald Lake from the top of Ngauruhoe.

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