Saturday 10 January 2015

Mount Taranaki

Please appreciate that I write posts on the day and then if I can't access wifi I have to wait until I can.
Had a rest day yesterday after the exertions of the coastal trail and just chilled out by the sea in preparation for the assault on the summit of Mount Taranaki today. What a great walk. You must be fed up with me sounding off all the time but  hopefully the pictures will bear me out.  Met a lovely old guy at the top. 74 years old! We walked down together and had a good yarn. He was like a bloody mountain goat! We mostly talked rugby and he was a coronation street fan, but I couldn't help him there! Any which way, when we got to the bottom he let me know that he was a guardian of the mountain and took on tasks such as litter picking, way marking and so on. He'd been up three times already this week and said he was probably going up again tomorrow! I kid you not! He was close to 700 ascents in total.  I can pick em eh?
As usual a couple of pics attached. One from the road (doesn't look much does it) and one from about a third of the way up.

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