Sunday 18 January 2015

Last Farewell to the Queen Charlotte Sound

Finished the Queen Charlotte Drive and moved on through Havelock (the green mussell capital of the world!!!) to Pelorus Bridge. Needless to say it spans the Pelorus River!! Managed a good river walk this pm after which I consumed my first ice cream of the tour! As such I made it a double header of vanilla and toffee fudge!! Great ice cream!! Great river!! Unfortunately not a lot of water in it as they're heading for a drought in this area at present. Will move to Ellen Bay tomorrow am and make a strike for the French Pass from there tomorrow pm. It's supposed to be stunning but from Ellen Bay its 25k of unmade road. Hope its worth it!!  Will head for Nelson thereafter. Still need a haircut!! Can only go out with a hat on at the moment.
A last look at the Queen Charlotte Sound and looking down on Havelock.
Speak soon,


  1. You need to post a photo of the head that needs a haircut!

  2. Agreed. Photo of the head that needs a haircut with your new car!!
