Wednesday 28 January 2015

Happy birthday to me

Had a very good 61st birthday. Drove 45 kilometres of gravel road from Pakawau to Patarau Beach where I seemingly had the whole of the Tasman Sea to myself! Had a very stimulating birthday swim and then drove back again! Well I did drive all the way back but the reason I went to the beach first was to time the return journey to drive past the Whanganui and Westhaven Inlets when the tide was up-beautiful! Also stopped half way back to climb Knuckle Hill for the views and popped up to Kaihoka Lakes as well. It was a full on day when you include the drive back to Takaka.  And  seeing as how it was my  birthday I treated myself to a cabin for the night before going out on the town. Well, I went out anyway! Had a handle of beer as they say over here and a huge plate of mussells from the Queen Charlotte Sound,  with fries and salad. Absolute whoppers!  Some with bacon and cheese,  some with garlic and breadcrumbs .........All washed down with a couple of glasses of nz shiraz. Caramel cake (with salt!) for pudding and a whiskey coffee to round things off. Woke up this morning and thought a train had run over my head! Pictures of Patarau Beach attached.

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