Tuesday 20 January 2015


Just a stop off to do my washing and ironing and find a haircut! Pleased to report all matters are now sorted and I can move on to the Abel Tasman as planned!  Staying in a place called Tuanahui, about 5k west of Nelson, again right on the beach. Spent some time nosing around the city. Pleasant enough but half a day has been sufficient. Couple of pics-nothing exciting-from Tahuna out into the Tasman Bay. Again you can see the Abel Tasman on the other side.
Speak soon,
Glen x


  1. Glad the barber has done the deed - no photo tho of the before & after! Photos are amazing, hard to tell where the sky ends & the water starts!

  2. Great pictures again. I'm starting to think you've sold that car!! Still no picture of it!!!
