Wednesday 31 December 2014

Silica Rapids and Taranaki Falls

Well,  I'll start by wishing you all a very happy and healthy and peaceful 2015. Celebrated it here  at the hostel with a very international group.  Swedes, Belgians, Italians and Argentinians. Good company and good fun. Didn't stay up too late,  maybe 1.00 am. Didn't drink too much either but still got a hangover!  Nothing a good walk this afternoon won't blow away.

Had a very good day yesterday. Went to the visitors centre at Whakapapa Village and did a couple of short walks from there.  Silica Rapids and Taranaki Falls. Both very enjoyable.   Must correct my last blog actually. Ruapehu is not mount doom. There are 3 mountains in the park. Ruapehu, Tongariro and Ngauruhoe and its the latter from the  lord of the rings movie.

Hopefully doing the Tongariro Crossing, taking in Ngauruhoe,  tomorrow as the weather looks quite promising at this stage.

The change in temperature up here is quite significant.  A good 10 degrees lower than I've been used to. And obviously the higher you go the colder it gets. Didn't take my sweater off at all yesterday and I walked quite hard.

A picture of Silica Rapids (a little shy of water) and Taranaki Falls attached. 

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