Saturday 20 December 2014


Arrived in Auckland on the 29th November following a  32 hour flight from Manchester. The only good thing about it was that although I missed two nights sleep I arrived in Auckland at 5.30 pm, so by the time I got to the hostel and sorted myself out it was nigh on bed time and jet lag problem solved!  Unfortunately,  whilst I got there on schedule my rucksack didn't!  We were late getting to Brisbane and it was something of a rush to get the connection to Auckland. So I made it ok but not the rucksack. Delivered the following day by courier. Stayed at Auckland uni, (bed, breakfast and evening for meal 35 pounds!), for 9 nights to have a good go at it. Did a couple of walking tours of the city to get my bearings and very struck by the amount of green space. Walked everywhere actually and only caught one bus the whole time I was there.
Took in the art gallery and museum and very impressed with both, particularly the Maori sections. Climbed St Ediths Mount for the views and took the ferry to Devonport where I climbed north head for the amazing views into the Hauraki Gulf, before chilling out on the famous Cheltenham Beach. Walked Tamaki Drive to Mission Bay and on to St Hellier and back. And once you leave the city and if you can get over the boy racers it's actually a really nice walk. Quite liked Mission Bay so spent an hour in my swimming trunks!  Manakau Harbour was the place I took the bus to and having got there I really dropped on my feet. A car stopped close by and I asked for some directions, meeting Curly (I kid you not) and Barbs in the process. Barbs was on her way to work but promptly volunteered Curly to show me the sights on that side.  Scenic Drive here I come! We took in a portion of the Waitakere Regional Park,  as well as Karekare and Piha beaches. The real gem for me however was my trip to Waiheke Island out in the Hauraki Gulf, about 35 minutes by boat. The boat trip itself was a joy but the walk I did on the island was magical. It was a coastal walk and by the time I had stopped and bared myself on a couple of the beaches it took me about five and a half hours in total and I never saw a soul! Just me and the beauty of it all. Did a few other bits as well but nothing I would write about.
Not sure how many pictures I can attach so am trying 4 in the first instance and will do another Auckland picture blog to follow! Pictures:

Taken on one of my city walks, looking back towards the city from the Waitamata Harbour side with the Sky Tower in the distance.

Looking out into the Hauraki Gulf from Devonport North Head

The view from Cheltenham Beach out into the Hauraki Gulf

A view from my coastal walk on Waheiki Island

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