Sunday 21 December 2014


Moved south from the Bay of Islands on the 8th December. Spent another couple of nights at the university in Auckland both to break up the bus journey and to catch up on washing, before heading for Rotorua. It's a geothermal area with geysers and hot springs and mud pools and lakes and mountains and things. Accomodaton well worn but clean enough. And met some great human beings. In fact I feel I've been blessed in this way since I arrived. As with the Bay of Islands the weather has been variable but always warm. So I started with a bit of the thermal stuff and a trip to Wai-to-pu 'wonderland'.

A couple of shots of Lady Knox Geyser. It fires up at 10.15 am on the dot 364 days a year.  The only day it misses is Xmas day.  Isn't that amazing? Not reall because it's induced! And they don't open on Xmas day! !

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