Tuesday 23 December 2014

Merry Christmas

Hi Guys,

Arrived in Taupo early afternoon, got organised and had a quick mooch around. Cracking the flags again today but clouded over a bit later.  Got my bearings and popped down to the lake.  Accommodation is fine, clean and comfortable.   Just got back from the Christingle service at the local church. It was wonderful. Great to share a bit of Xmas with kids and watch them make the Christingles and sing some carols. Well,  I've had my hair cut, trimmed my nails, nose and ears, so I'm all ready for it really! Desperately missing Julie and family right now so I'm having a couple of beers to commiserate with myself.  Splashed out on a fillet steak for tonight and some cheese and biscuits and I suppose I'll have to endure a glass or two of wine with it! I've bought into the hostel Xmas lunch tomorrow. They're cooking for about 90!   Well,  he's already on his way here with a long way to go in the next day or so! But I'm sure he'll make it!


He's definitely on his way!

A shot of Taupo lake

Have a wonderful Christmas time. Thinking of you and much love,

Glen x


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