Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas Day


Nearly 8.00 pm on Christmas day here in Taupo.  Strange kind of a experience today but then it was always going to be. Went for a walk this morning with my ipod and listened to one of my Christmas playlists. Bing crosby, Frank Sinatra, Grace Fields, Mario Lanzo, Tony Bennett, Glen Miller ...... Enjoyed the music and the solitude in equal measure. Got back about 12.30 pm and had a couple of beers before lunch. I think I mentioned that the hostel were doing a lunch for everyone today and they made a great fist of it.  The owner and his wife and the staff worked so hard. Something for everyone as well.  I had turkey and the trimmings with some good gravy but there were salads and cold meats if you preferred.  They don't do Xmas pudding over here but I managed to find one in a supermarket yesterday together with some vanilla custard - absolutely no Brandy sauce around - which I will consume with my meal tomorrow. Can't wait!  Enjoyed the Pavlova though and went up for seconds!  Bought some nice blue cheese for after as well. Treated myself to a fillet steak tomorrow as well!  Had another walk after lunch and I'm just waiting for the grandchildren to wake up!! 7.00am in the UK and can't believe they're still in bed!! Probably waiting until the presents are open before they open Skype.  Ipads this year I believe.

A more active day tomorrow.  A walk to Huka Falls and back.  There's an open air pool here too and if its open Boxing Day I'll go for a swim when I get back.  Mount Tauhara on Friday for the views.  They call it a mountain but its only 1100 metres or so.  The big ones are to come on the South Island.  Then I plan to hire a bike for two days and do a bit around the lake.

Couple more beers tonight and a chat with some of the young people for a while and then bed.  I'm by far and away the oldest swinger in town here!!

Still waiting for the Grand kids to phone!!

God Bless.  Have great day.


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