Sunday 21 December 2014

Boat Trip round the Bay of Islands

I like what I've seen of nz so far very much. I love the outdoors and some of my experiences here have matched anywhere and anything I have seen or done. But I have to say this trip was breathtaking.  Not only do I like to be outside but I also love the sea.  If there is a God he certainly gave this place some very special attention. The tour lasted a full day and it was one of those experiences you just don't want to end. I was hoping to swim with dolphins but couldn't because the pods that we saw all had babies with them, therefore not allowed. I'll get other opportunities while I'm here. And have you ever tried to take a still of a performing dolphin? I must have taken 40 shots and all I got was  couple of sub surface efforts. Should have taken a video I hear you say. I'll know next time!

Me on the back of the boat!

Looking into a bay on one of the islands.

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