Tuesday 30 December 2014

Start of Tongariro National Park


Decided to take the bus in the end. Didn't leave until  2.30 and landed here about 4.45 pm. Good journey and I got the feel of just how big Lake Taupo is today as the route took us down the whole length of the east side. It's really is a phenomenal stretch of water. So clear and blue; they say the water is so clean you can drink it directly from the lake. Hostel is fine and I've already planned tomorrow. Walking to Silica Rapids and then on to Taranaki Falls. Two  climbs each about 1400 metres. About six hours I'm told. Was going to do the Tongariro Crossing but it's 2300 metres plus high and the forecast is for 80 kilometre an hour winds at the top so they are likely to close the mountain. So I'm just keeping a weather eye out at the moment.

Took a couple of pics out of the bus window on the way here. The one with snow on is Mount Doom. Real name is Mount Ruapehu. I should say that all of the mountains here and indeed throughout the country are actually volcanoes.

Time for a shower,  teeth clean and bed!

Night, night x

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