Sunday 28 December 2014

Moving On


Hooked up with a couple of young Canadian guys after I posted last night.  Nice lads.  They introduced me to a game they called beer ping pong.  Scott/Phi-you'll love it!! It's played by two players and in this case on a board put on top of a pool table.  At either end of the board each player sets up a triangle of plastic cups in front of him half filled with beer (ten in all), just like on a snooker table but with plastic cups with beer in if you get my drift. Each player then has two table tennis balls and they take it in turns to try to throw their balls into their opponents cups.  If successful the opponent has to drink the contents of the cup the ball lands in.  The game continues until one of the players has made the other player drink the contents of all his cups!  I only played one game and luckily I came out on top!

The heavens opened here today and I'm hoping things are more settled tomorrow.  The only bus that goes to Tongariro doesn't leave until after 3.00 pm.  So, rather than hang about all day I'm going to try to hitch. Done it a couple of times already very successfully.  Will wait for the bus if it's raining!!  Really, really looking forward to Tongariro National Park.  Awesome walking apparently.  Not sure what the wifi situation will be but hopefully there will be some. Finished off the scraps for supper tonight one of which was a Xmas Pudding with vanilla custard!!

Anyway, didn't waste time today as I've now sorted my itinerary until the middle of February!

Take care,


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