Monday 13 April 2015

The Coromandel Walkway Take Two

Heavy rain and strong winds virtually all day. Nonetheless, I managed to complete the other half of the Walkway. Considering it was a 45 minute drive on unmade road to Port Charles and a further 15 minutes to Stoney Bay to the start, and the drive itself was mostly through mountainous bush and therefore quite tricky in the weather conditions, I would have to say the rewards were somewhat limited. The walk itself was almost entirely through bush and although it skirted the coastline the views were invariably impaired by it. And needless to say when I got to the lookout again the clag put paid to any significant use of the camera. But as I have said before I do like the rain and it was good to be out in the elements!
Such pictures as I managed are attached. Will spend the morning tomorrow visiting Kenedy Bay and then move south to Thames.

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