Friday 3 April 2015

Maraehako Bay to Tauranga

Ended up spending three nights in paradise and swam in the bay every day. Went out with the hostel owner for a bit yesterday. He insisted that I sample the local oysters which I did; they were taken out of an adjacent bay just a couple of hours before we ate them, together with a mega bag of chips!! They were huge! Don't let anyone tell you to swallow oysters whole. Give them a good chew! Fabulous! Left today still following the Pacific Highway north. Very good drive in places. Stopped off in Opotiki and Whakatani, finishing the day in Tauranga. Never seen so much traffic on the roads! Going away for the Easter weekend is really big over here, as Easter signals the end of the holiday season for Kiwis. And what do you know. The clocks change over here too. Sunday night I believe. Back to a thirteen hour time difference again. Will only stay here tonight. Probably spend the morning looking round and drive the afternoon. Still not a mountain to speak of in sight!
Some pictures from the journey attached.
Much love,
Glen x

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