Sunday 5 April 2015

Tauranga to Whakatani

Not too far and not too picturesque until you get to Whakatani itself, which is on the Pacific Coast of the Southern Coromandel. Beautiful beach and the town is very pleasant too. Small holiday resort and pretty packed for the Easter weekend. Camping again and it feels good to get back to it. Nice little site. Got up early this morning and went down to the beach to watch the sun rise but it was partly cloudy so not the best. I may give it another try tomorrow. Then the sun came out and it got quite hot. In fact, given that we're now well into Autumn here the weather has been fantastic. Chilled for a while this morning and then went into town for a wander round. Too many surfers to swim in the sea but there's an outdoor pool here so I went and beasted myself there for a while this afternoon, and then enjoyed the sun. Clocks went back last night so it's now dark by 6.30 pm! My intention now is to explore the whole of the Coromandel coastline. And if it's all as good as Whakatani, and I'm  advised that it is, it should prove to be a very enjoyable end to my adventure here. Can't  remember whether I said that I will fly home on the 22nd of the month.
Pictures of the Whakatani coastline attached.
Glen x

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