Wednesday 1 April 2015

Gisborne to the East Cape

Left Gisborne (and Hawke Bay) as planned yesterday and headed for the East Cape, stopping off at Tolaga and Tokomarua bays along the way. Very beautiful, as was the drive when the coast road actually engaged with the sea! A lovely day with a mixture of sunshine and cloud but probalbly up around twenty degrees. Again mostly farming with some fruit growing but not with the intensity of Napier and Gisborne. Reached Te Araroa mid afternoon and drove the 20 kilometres of unmade coast road to the base of the cape. If I'm honest I was a little disappointed with it; also with the views from the lighthouse. Anyway, this part of the country is not held in the highest esteem by tourists and consequently it's relatively tourist free! Also good to be staying at a hostel run by a Maouri family. In fact, from Napier to here-a place called Maraehako Bay about 50k on from the cape-and for the first time in my experience, I would say that the Maouri far outnumber the white population.
Now, what a little gem is Maraehako Bay. It really is a little bit of  paradise. Was just going to stay the night but having got here immediately booked another, and may even stay longer. Swam across the bay this morning for a bit of exercise. Absolutely bloody feezing. But so regenerative!!!
No wifi so not sure when this will be sent. Some time soon!
Couple of shots of Tolaga Bay attached.
Glen x

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